Sustainability Commitment
Ways started a business model for the control of sustainability which helps take care of some important KPI of impact, with the purpose of paying attention to the improvement points and strengthening the relationship and the collaboration with all the stakeholdersThe Ways Sustainability commitment is composed by two following parts: the first one considers the information and the performances of the environmental impact in the management of our business company; the second one is related to the theme of the challenge of the climate change and aims at a 2030 Agenda sustainable development defined by the United Nations Global Compact, on the basis that Ways wants to fix its proper purposes of medium and short term trying to control annually. According to these, in the next future it will start relationships with all the stakeholders, to whom it will be asked for active contribution in order to reach these purposes.
Certified business model
As a certified B Corp company, respect for the planet's resources and commitment to supporting communities have always been a top priority for Ways. The GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council), established in 2007 by UNWTO (United Nation World Tourism Organization) with the aim of promoting sustainability and social responsibility in tourism, is the organization that will accompany us along this path and will certify our choices and our improvement.Certificate
Agenda 2030
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is divided into 17 purposes and indicate the global priorities for next 2030We chose to take these purposes as a landmark for the definition of our medium and short term sustainable strategy of development. Every year our team review the impact report and define the strategy to reach the next goals
Environmental Impact

We have consumed 1587 kW of electricity, but thanks to the use of 100% renewable certified energy from the Dolomites we have not issued CO2

In our offices we have consumed 597 mc of natural gas, which we compensated with the planting of fruit trees

For transportation with our vehicles we have consumed 3510 lt of fuel, which we compensated with the planting of trees

In 2020, we issued more than 10 tons of CO2, of which about 90% has been saved through the use of green energy and the planting of fruit trees in Guatemala
Carbon neutrality
Thanks to ZeroCo2 we supported some communities in Peru and Guatemala, and we started spawned our forest with 15 fruit trees that local farmers can grow, thanks to which we have offset part of our CO2 emissionsCertificate100% Green Energy
Thanks to the strength of the Dolomites our energy is 100% renewable, it guarantees maximum respect for nature and its sustainability over timeCertificateDownload and read our latest Annual Report

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Ways Srl SB
Via Carmelitani Scalzi 20
37122 Verona, Italy
P.Iva IT-04676500236
T. (+39) 045 5701561
Licensed Tour Operator
Ways Experience
authorization n. 132604 by Veneto region
Public liability insurance n.177807733
by UnipolSai Assicurazioni Spa
Guarantee fund n.1-4125 by Il Salvagente